Education & Family
by Aspect County

Brighton College, School of the Decade

As one of the world’s leading independent schools for girls and boys aged 3 – 18, Brighton College regularly achieves the best A‑level and GCSE results of any co-educational school in the UK, whilst ensuring children enjoy a wealth of extracurricular opportunities. Renowned for its focus on kindness, the College also excels in art, music, dance, drama and sporting achievements. Recently named United Kingdom School of the Decade’ by The Sunday Times, and twice winners of England’s Independent School of the Year’, Brighton College has also been called Britain’s most forward-thinking school’ and Top in Britain for STEM’ by The Week.

Brighton College provides an inspiring bridge between a historic past and a pioneering 21st century future. It sits, too, at the heart of one of Britain’s most vibrant and creative cities, framed by the iconic white cliffs that are one of England’s most famous vistas. 

Founded in 1845, the College fuses stirring Victorian architecture by illustrious architect Sir George Gilbert Scott with a host of bold contemporary buildings built in the past decade. Many of these have been hailed with awards from the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA), including the Music School with world-class Recital Hall, and the Yeoh Building where pupils study economics, politics, maths and history using some of the UK’s most cutting-edge teaching methods. 

Most recently, Brighton College opened a stunning new School of Science and Sport designed by world-renowned European architects OMA to create a novel interplay between two disciplines often kept apart. The stunning green technology building includes eighteen superbly equipped science labs, while sports facilities include a roof-top running track with views over the sea and the South Downs. 

Top co-educational school
Brighton College is also a beacon of stellar academic success. In the most recent exam results, the school’s Sixth Formers achieved 99% A*-B in their A‑levels, while the most common grade at GCSE was the top grade of 9, with 96% of exam grades being 9 – 7/A*-A. This led The Telegraph to rank the school at the top of its league table among 2,000 co-educational schools in England. 

While celebrating success across the board in both academic disciplines and sports – a steady stream of Old Brightonians have gone on to play professionally and for their countries, Brighton College strives to create an inclusive culture where all pupils can feel happy and confident to be themselves. 

Brighton College combines outstanding academic success with an ethos of kindness, personal development and awareness of the wider world. Values are not just taught at the school – pupils are guided in what it means to live by them. From encouraging pupils to start their own societies to making community work part of the curriculum, Brighton merges academic excellence with a deep sense of community and social responsibility. 
