Education & Family
by Aspect County

Marlborough House: Pre-Senior Baccalaureate – the answer for Years 7 and 8

Education is not just about exam results and a 13 year old is more than a series of scores. Developing the whole child and instilling in them a range of skills and characteristics that will serve them well for life has become the new challenge, and one that we aim to meet at Marlborough House through the Pre-Senior Baccalaureate (PSB). The PSB aims to cover the same material as Common Entrance but encourage a wider range of skills. This is a 21st century approach to education and provides each child with a relevant and rounded foundation to build upon – we believe that it is the way forward for prep school children in Years 7 and 8

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Marlborough House School offers Year 7 Entry Scholarships to children who show outstanding ability in one or more of six disciplines. Applications for current Year 6 pupils open on 20th September 2021

For more details, visit marl​bor​ough​hous​eschool​.co​.uk