Homes & Interiors
by Aspect County

Manuela – an iconic and limited edition armchair

New York, L.A., Chicago, Toronto, Sao Paulo, Hong Kong, Shanghai, London… Looking at the horizon at any of these cities, we see the magnificent out line of tall buildings that seem to touch the sky, with its thousands of windows. It was that fleeting glimpse that bring to us the inspiration for this Armchair, whose various colours remind us that our differences should unite us, like we got them together in one piece.”

This piece is dedicated to Manuela who helped the designers so much with the conception of this beautiful & unique armchair.
The materials used are natural ebony leaf with high gloss varnish, cotton velvet coming in in seven different colours. The materials, finishes and sizes can be changed by clients request, after careful analysis of the requested changes by the technical and design teams. 

To see the complete product range visit website: www​.sadus​lux​u​ry​.com